Monday, December 8, 2014

For a good night's sleep...TURN ON THE LIGHT!


Liberty Floor Lamp
Did you know that better lighting in your customer's home and office will help them sleep better at night? A good night’s sleep makes for a more productive and active day, not to mention happier customers. Sleeping well keeps our memories sharp and our bodies in balance.

 Mariana Figueiro, associate professor at the Lighting Research Center of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY says, “as we lead more sedentary lives (at our desks, computers and in front of the TV) surrounded by dim indoor lighting, rather than outdoors in natural light, the quality of our sleep can be negatively impacted. Light quantity and quality impacts our circadian rhythms.” Circadian rhythm is our internal, 24.2 hour cycle of biochemical, physiological and behavioral processes... and every living thing has one!)

Remind your customers that keeping their circadian rhythm in balance with proper lighting is key
to peaceful slumber. Research has proven that a higher level of lighting during the day with reduced lighting at night is important for a good night's rest. A study was conducted with elderly patients with sleep disturbances and ADRD (Alzheimer's disease and related dementias), who typically are exposed to less natural and artificial light throughout the day. The results showed that when exposed to brighter light during daytime hours and less during the evening, these individuals slept better and were less agitated.

Antique White Liberty
If one can't spend more time outdoors, then more lighting should be placed throughout the house and office. Careful consideration should be given to the type of lighting you recommend and its placement to keep one's circadian rhythm in sync. Effective lighting should surround you... Ceiling lights are good for general lighting. Table and floor lamps are important for both task and overall light, while accent lamps create a desired ambiance and contribute to the character of the room.

Waterstone Glass Accent Lamp
 Help your customers choose lamps wisely, not only based on design but also function and level of illumination; because light, or the lack thereof, plays an enormous role in the regulation of our cycles, especially our sleep cycle. Customers will be thanking you for an improved quality of life as well as returning to purchase brighter bulbs!!

Here's to a healthy and beautifully lit home or office... a better night’s sleep and more cheerful customers this holiday season!

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