Thursday, January 29, 2015


Now's the time!
It's not surprising that the #1 New Year resolution for Americans is “to get in shape”. Being fit and healthy has many rewards such as increased energy, improved stamina and greater zing!


Why not apply this to your business? 


Just like you, your business needs a new burst of energy every now and then. Your "healthy" efforts may even result in a financial boost through increased sales!!!

If a business “work out” plan was not one of your 2015 SMART goals (click to read article), here are some quick tips to get your lighting or gift store business in shape:


Step back and look at your floor plan from your customer's perspective.

___ Is it easy for your customers to find what they need? Does it flow?
___ Is there adequate aisle space for movement? 
___ Is there a logical, yet creative pattern to your layout?
___ What can you do to make the shopping experience better for your customer?


Take a look at your store as though you are preparing for a photo shoot. Customers respond to something new even if it's simply re-merchandising and moving things around. They will get excited to come in to see what you have done and will probably notice something “new” whether it is or not!

___ Is it time for a new coat of paint?
___ Move lighting to focus on new products and different areas.
___ Plan for upcoming renovations if needed.


To keep customers coming back, you must introduce fresh merchandise. Shoppers love to discover the newest and latest items and be the first on the block to have one!

___ Make room for new products, lamps or shades purchased at market.
___ Develop a marketing plan to let customers know about new items.
___ Feature new products in windows and high traffic areas.
___ Inform staff
on the features and benefits of new items.


No matter how good we are at our business, we can always be better, especially when it comes to customer service.

___ Improve customer satisfaction: use an informal survey.
___Provide better info: Review signage, hang tags, etc.
___Implement a Customer First policy: set up staff training date to practice responses to most frequent customer questions.


Most of us love to be in the know and most love a party!

___ Organize your calendar of events for 2015! Maybe host an interior decorating class or room makeover workshop.
___ Keep customers excited with ongoing store news - personal and product updates through email, Facebook, Twitter. Help customers get to know you better!

Whether a personal or business goal, getting or staying in shape and developing a realistic plan are critical to a healthy future – physically, mentally and financially!  

Get started on your business' work-out plan TODAY!
It's never too late. 

Need help with ideas or implementing your marketing goals, contact AGS Business Development Solutions, marketing partner for AHS Lighting.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Are your 2015 Business Goals SMART?

Now that you're back from market inspired by all kinds of new products and ideas, be careful not to get bogged down before setting aside time to turn those ideas into SMART goals! What are SMART Goals? Well, listen up because they can lead you to great results for a stellar 2015! 

Specific clear and specific goals.  Define exactly what you want your business to achieve with no ambiguities.

Meet Sally:  Sally really wants to grow sales this year, but knows just setting a revenue goal is unrealistic. She knows she needs to set some specific tasks - knowing that when her specific tasks get accomplished, she will see those results in the form of more sales. She also knows her goals should be:


Sally can't measure happiness or how much her customers like something, but she can measure by quantity, attendance and sales! Benchmarks will show your progress and let you know when your goal is achieved.

Sally likes realistic and attainable goals and she tries to have a good idea of the steps her business needs to take to achieve them. Don't set yourself up for failure with ridiculous and far fetched ideas. Like Sally, if you're honest with yourself, you'll understand and know what is doable as well as beneficial to your business.


Celebrate successful results :) Pat yourself on the back and recognize all those who helped get you there. When you celebrate with everyone involved, they'll be ready to help you with your next SMART goal.

Time frames are a must. Set a specific deadline for when your goal should be achieved. Period. Whether it's three days, a year or 10 years. Your chance of succeeding doubles when you have a specific goal.

By taking the time NOW to define your goals using the above SMART guidelines you will be so much further ahead (and less frustrated) as the year progresses. Taking ACTION today will help you achieve better results TOMORROW.

Here are some sample SMART Goals that you can tweak to fit your business model and customer profile.

  • Introduce one new lamp theme collection at the beginning of each quarter.
  • Send one email per week that features three products every Tuesday.
  • Interchange two to four displays in your store on the first Monday of every month.
  • Host two events in 2015 - one charity related event in April, and a holiday one in November.
  • Hold monthly product training sessions for sales staff.
  • Offer a $100 sales bonus to the highest sales person in your store. 
If you need any help developing or implementing your SMART Goals, AHS Lighting & Home Decor recommends AGS Marketing for Action, Growth & Success.