Thursday, November 19, 2015

What Every Room Needs

Every Room Needs

Vintage. Vintage lamps add personality, charm and tell a story. Although their character brings life to a room, authentic vintage lamps are expensive and often times need work.
Help your customers instantly bring character to their rooms with "new" vintage lamps like Please Boy, Please Girl or Favorite Things (we love that it's also fill-able so you can put your favorite keepsake inside!)

Spruce Up that Stuffy Old Lamp
Give your customers an easy and inexpensive way to fall in love again with their home décor. How? With a NEW Shade.

Offering lamp shades in a unique shape (square or oval perhaps) or size (over-sized for impact) lamp shade will help customers change the personality of their lamp.

Refresh that fabric to something fun and funky! 
Find an exceptionally large variety of fabric choices. You and your customers will have FUN re-designing and revitalizing old lamps.  Sizes range from 5" to 18" in a variety of shapes including flairs, empires and drums!

Candle Sleeves for Seasonal Sales

Candle sleeves light up your impulse purchases by dazzling your customers with their warm brilliance. 
They'll brighten up sales and have a small footprint.

Dressed up candles bring a decorative glow to the ambiance of any room. Illuminate your point of purchase display with affordable Candle Sleeves - only $16 for a set of 6. Choose from 4 radiant designs for "Looks That Sell, at Prices You'll Love."

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall Lighting Design Trends on the Rise

Light Up the Room with Metallic Finishes

Antique gold, bronze and copper materials can be found in home décor products from hardware to lamp bases and now lamp shades. Our newest lamps: Capetown, Corsica & Madrid exemplify beauty and rich warmth with their metallic finishes - both on the bases and trim of the shade.

They complement this year's color palette with a depth of metallic treatments from aged copper to shiny gold.  Appealing because they bring shine and sparkle to the softness of this year's pastel hues, you can turn up the light in your store by staging vignettes with these warm and shimmering lamps.

Saddle Up with Classics

Whether creating a look for a sophisticated productive office environment or for a weekend getaway rustic lodge, there's nothing like the classics – leather bound books, the smell of rich mahogany or fresh pine, the warmth of an antique or bear skin rug and the sense of adventure of equestrian accessories. At AHS, we appreciate the...  Read More.


Be Stage Ready

The design trends this year are strong, but not too overbearing; shiny yet not too bright.

Pantone's 2015 Color of the Year, Marsala coordinates well with the resurrection of pastel colors and the influx of metallic finishes.

Have It Your Way

AHS' Mix 'n Match Lamp Program allows the customer to have it her way! In today's world of customized coffee drinks, clothing and devices ... offering decor items tailored to an individual's personal design style is on the cutting edge and you can charge a premium for this service.

In this mass marketed world, your customers are striving to be unique and special. So why not make them happy with a custom lamp / shade combination. Our Mix 'n Match Lamp Program or the Customers Own Material (C.O.M.) option allow for thousands of unique designs, sizes, colors and finishes to coordinate with any room or setting. Both will allow her to have it her way and will position your business with a unique service and increased sales.

Happy customers...happy results!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Are You Hitting Your Target?

A well-defined target market is the first element to an effective marketing strategy.  It's more effective to focus your efforts on potential customers who are MORE LIKELY to buy your product rather than wasting time and money courting an undefined world of prospects who MIGHT become customers.


How well do you know your target customers?  


WHO are they? (Demographics)
WHERE do they live? (Geographics)
WHY do they make the choices they do? (Psychographics)
HOW do they buy? (Behaviors)

Because the consumer marketplace has become so differentiated, a business can no longer rely on generalities, but instead must focus on specifics. Resist the temptation to be too general in hopes of getting a larger piece of the pie. Today's marketing-savvy consumers do not like to be clumped with others. Your marketing efforts will be more effective when defining and understanding the personae of your customers.
  • Are they interior decorators looking for versatility and variety? Or do they focus on a particular style?
  • Are they first time home buyers needing a resource of information related to style, what type of lighting to use for each room, decorating services?
By understanding the 4 components of your target market (Who, Where, Why and How), you can fine tune your product mix and customer service policies, along with creating a more effective advertising and marketing plan.

HOW to profile your customers?

  • Surveys – email, phone, in-store.  Ask - what they like, what they are looking for, what do they need, why do they shop, and what would make their decision-making easier for them?
  • Social Media – Most social sites provide a free demographic breakdown of your followers in the admin area. If you aren't using social media, this may be a good reason to start!
  • Email Database – Depending on how and where your database is set up, you can gather specific info on your customers.  Outside sources such as can provide data using your email database.
  • Zip Codes – The U.S. Census Bureau provides free information by zip code.
  • Payment Processor – can provide you with valuable info related to what your customers are buying, when and the average purchase amount.

We've all heard the phrase “knowledge is power”, well in the case of developing a marketing plan that is both effective and streamlined, it is.  Get to know your customers. Define who is most likely to buy from you and why – be specific and you will have a better chancing of hitting your TARGET!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Drive Customer Referrals with Surveys

Wouldn't you like to know -  how do you get a customer to refer someone to your business?

Why not find the answer through a survey? Surveying your customers regularly is a critical part of running a successful business. Surveys can uncover satisfaction -- or dissatisfaction, expose critical needs or offer a new opportunity to communicate with your customers.

The result: buzz about your business and hopefully... enthusiastic qualified referrals!


1. Focus on the narrative, not the score.
Customer narrative is the most valuable part of any survey, not the numbers. Use open-ended questions that allow the customer to give specific feedback. Remember, you're probably not going to get a TON of responses, but the information that customers will give you will spark ideas!

2. Don't stack the deck
Don't stack the deck against yourself! Too many questions overwhelm customers and will cause response rates to decline. According to expert Fred Reichheld's, the most valuable piece of info you need to know: "How likely is it that your customer would recommend your business to a friend or colleague?"

Objective feedback and honest reactions are more useful than quantity of responses. Therefore, make sure you include ways to get truly candid customer opinions. Try setting up a blackboard with chalk letting the customer vote for their favorite display as they walk through the store. Give customers a Love It or Leave It token... they can pencil in what item they loved the most and what they didn't in a fish bowl at the register.

3. Close the loop
Survey feedback is worthless if you don't take action on it. The mere act of surveying a customer can increase satisfaction, but follow-up is where the real power lies. Customers generally view being asked for their opinion as something favorable, however what really knocks their socks off is when they hear back from that business after completion of the survey. Particularly if the customer was dissatisfied in some way. Receiving a personalized call or note to address the complaint is rather impressive. You can show appreciation to your customer with a GREAT offer, especially if they refer a new customer to you!

4. Immerse yourself in the responses.
Don't set the survey results aside and forget about them without the analysis. Take time to thoughtfully review your customers' feedback and the implications to your business. Share the results with your staff -- including verbatim customer comments -- and what these responses have taught you. Most importantly enlighten them on what the plan is moving forward.

There's no more important business measure than the voice of the customer.

Find out what your customers are saying to improve customer satisfaction and build loyalty.

Satisfied customers are the key to staying in business for the long haul. As Paul Conforti, co-founder and CEO of Boston-based Final Desserterie, puts it, "In the game of business, sales and profit are how we keep score. But the game itself is all about customer satisfaction. Small-business owners need to be able to measure customer satisfaction to truly understand how well they're playing the game -- and customer surveys are the primary way of doing that."

Friday, March 27, 2015

Reach your "New Year's Goals" this Quarter

As always, we start out a new year with many brilliant ideas and a vast supply of energy to achieve our goals. However, as the weeks fly by we can get sidetracked from our plan, and lose sight of our goals. Don't allow your business to run you! Here's how we can help...

Farmtime Clock
Top 10 Bestseller
2015 New Introductions

According to surveys, only 8 percent of Americans successfully achieve their New Year's resolutions.
Before we fall into the lower 92%, let's take a look at what we set out to achieve at the beginning of 2015 and benchmark what we have accomplished so far. Pull out your list of goals now and take a look at these helpful topics to get you back on track.
We want to know what business goals you set for this year and how AHS Lighting can help you accomplish them. 

If you're looking to make bigger margins on existing sales, you will want to join the AHS Advantage Club. 

If you're looking to broaden your customer reach, introduce new styles in your line. Both Industrial Chic and Fillable Collections are proven winners for home decor businesses and our Expressions and Stencil Collections are a perfect expansion for gift stores. 

If you want to increase business with high end customers, you will want to carry our Dual Fabric shade line. These modern shade designs work perfect with all of our classic bases and expert looks can be achieved at affordable prices. 

What business goals did you set for this year? Share your comments below or on Facebook and together we can make 2015 shine!

Monday, March 9, 2015

5 Tips to get your Website in Shape

So now that you have your store in order and your staff up to par on all your new products and plans for 2015, it's time to shape up your website!

We all know the importance of making a good first impression....right?

Let's start with the facts: Over ½ of all retail sales last year were influenced by the web. Your web presence is an introduction to your business and can be the key to turning a potential customer from "Should we visit this business?" to "Oh, yes, let's go there!"

Let's look at 5 COMMON PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS to make a GREAT first impression:

 PROBLEM:  The design doesn't reflect the business.

 46% say a website's design is the number one reason to discredit a company.
Sample Website
SOLUTION: Make it simple and reflective of your company's image. Use graphics. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. We're not just talking about product pictures, but use clever icons and pictures of decorated rooms with info bubbles, add downloadable coupons or consider shooting a video of the inside of your store.  85% of people are more likely to purchase after watching a video. This is where investing in a good web marketer and designer are worth it.
FIRST IMPRESSION: Short, sweet and memorable!

PROBLEM: Hidden Contact Information 

Can the customer find you? 
SOLUTION: A retail store should put the telephone number and store address at the TOP of the page, BOTTOM of the page AND have a 'Contact Us' page. Customers don't see your website everyday, so no matter where they look, they should be able to find and contact you. 61% of smart phone users will click away from a website if they can't find what they want quickly.
FIRST IMPRESSION:  A quick find!

PROBLEM: Malfunctioning Website

Are all pages working? Are there any links that lead to a 404 error page?
SOLUTION: Test, Test, Test! Visitors hate getting stuck. Make a navigation tree showing the links to and from all pages. Then test each link's connection so no one gets stuck. Have a lot of pages? Use a link checker tool like to search for connection errors.
FIRST IMPRESSION: Life without the 404!

PROBLEM: No Call to Action. 

Are you effectively directing customers toward the desired outcome – an order, email sign up, etc.???
SOLUTION: Fine tune each page to have a specific topic that leads to one or two main calls to action. Reduce the number of clicks that the person has to make to do the action... for example, don't offer a link to the email sign up page, simply put the email form on EVERY page!
FIRST IMPRESSION:  Customer gets what they want - easily!

PROBLEM: Low Traffic

SOLUTION: To increase traffic to your website:
  • Write headlines with words your customers use when searching
  • Compose content on a regular basis
  • Search engines can't "see" a photo, use alt text keywords to define what is pictured
FIRST IMPRESSION: You've been found!

Getting your website in SHAPE takes work and commitment. Set your goals and then 
define a plan based on a microscopic look at your website.  We want you to make 
not only a good first impression, but a lasting one and... gets the job done!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The down and dirty … How to love your customers.

Inspired by the traditional theme for February - LOVE, Let's ask ourselves:

“How can we show the love to our customers?”

WHY? Because when customers feel loved, they will speak highly about your business. Word of mouth is still the best kind of advertising! So let's get into the HEART of HOW? The answer is simple: Provide outstanding customer service. But HOW? Here are some HELPFUL TIPS:

BE SHOW READY! You only get one chance to impress.
Stand outside, in front of your store; CLOSE your eyes and take a deep breath. Pretend you've never seen your store before... Now, open your eyes! Do you see a clean, organized, presentable stage? Does your staff LOOK ready? Are they smiling? Prepare for everyday as if it's opening night... and remember that it's showtime every time a customer walks past (and hopefully inside) your store.

10-4 Good Buddy: How to make a customer feel important.
Within 10 feet of approaching a customer, make EYE contact; within 4 feet of approaching a customer, SAY something to the customer. After finishing a conversation or on departure, APPRECIATE your customer. Think of them as your GUEST. Once they feel comfortable, they WILL come back to see you! Yay, for repeat business!

Practice makes perfect you see! You must repeat after me!
Every other sales staff meeting should include 15 minutes of practice. Pair sales people with a partner; one will be the customer and one, the sales person (reverse roles after half the time). To properly train staff to answer common and ridiculous questions, practice answering with an upbeat tone while smiling with your eyes! Salespeople who master this will have a lasting impression on every customer.

In summary, when responsive and informative sales staff treat your customers with appreciation and are ready for every "opening day & night", you'll make a lasting impression. Not only will they be back for more, but your business will grow by customers spreading the word. See, LOVE does make the world go round and round!

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Now's the time!
It's not surprising that the #1 New Year resolution for Americans is “to get in shape”. Being fit and healthy has many rewards such as increased energy, improved stamina and greater zing!


Why not apply this to your business? 


Just like you, your business needs a new burst of energy every now and then. Your "healthy" efforts may even result in a financial boost through increased sales!!!

If a business “work out” plan was not one of your 2015 SMART goals (click to read article), here are some quick tips to get your lighting or gift store business in shape:


Step back and look at your floor plan from your customer's perspective.

___ Is it easy for your customers to find what they need? Does it flow?
___ Is there adequate aisle space for movement? 
___ Is there a logical, yet creative pattern to your layout?
___ What can you do to make the shopping experience better for your customer?


Take a look at your store as though you are preparing for a photo shoot. Customers respond to something new even if it's simply re-merchandising and moving things around. They will get excited to come in to see what you have done and will probably notice something “new” whether it is or not!

___ Is it time for a new coat of paint?
___ Move lighting to focus on new products and different areas.
___ Plan for upcoming renovations if needed.


To keep customers coming back, you must introduce fresh merchandise. Shoppers love to discover the newest and latest items and be the first on the block to have one!

___ Make room for new products, lamps or shades purchased at market.
___ Develop a marketing plan to let customers know about new items.
___ Feature new products in windows and high traffic areas.
___ Inform staff
on the features and benefits of new items.


No matter how good we are at our business, we can always be better, especially when it comes to customer service.

___ Improve customer satisfaction: use an informal survey.
___Provide better info: Review signage, hang tags, etc.
___Implement a Customer First policy: set up staff training date to practice responses to most frequent customer questions.


Most of us love to be in the know and most love a party!

___ Organize your calendar of events for 2015! Maybe host an interior decorating class or room makeover workshop.
___ Keep customers excited with ongoing store news - personal and product updates through email, Facebook, Twitter. Help customers get to know you better!

Whether a personal or business goal, getting or staying in shape and developing a realistic plan are critical to a healthy future – physically, mentally and financially!  

Get started on your business' work-out plan TODAY!
It's never too late. 

Need help with ideas or implementing your marketing goals, contact AGS Business Development Solutions, marketing partner for AHS Lighting.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Are your 2015 Business Goals SMART?

Now that you're back from market inspired by all kinds of new products and ideas, be careful not to get bogged down before setting aside time to turn those ideas into SMART goals! What are SMART Goals? Well, listen up because they can lead you to great results for a stellar 2015! 

Specific clear and specific goals.  Define exactly what you want your business to achieve with no ambiguities.

Meet Sally:  Sally really wants to grow sales this year, but knows just setting a revenue goal is unrealistic. She knows she needs to set some specific tasks - knowing that when her specific tasks get accomplished, she will see those results in the form of more sales. She also knows her goals should be:


Sally can't measure happiness or how much her customers like something, but she can measure by quantity, attendance and sales! Benchmarks will show your progress and let you know when your goal is achieved.

Sally likes realistic and attainable goals and she tries to have a good idea of the steps her business needs to take to achieve them. Don't set yourself up for failure with ridiculous and far fetched ideas. Like Sally, if you're honest with yourself, you'll understand and know what is doable as well as beneficial to your business.


Celebrate successful results :) Pat yourself on the back and recognize all those who helped get you there. When you celebrate with everyone involved, they'll be ready to help you with your next SMART goal.

Time frames are a must. Set a specific deadline for when your goal should be achieved. Period. Whether it's three days, a year or 10 years. Your chance of succeeding doubles when you have a specific goal.

By taking the time NOW to define your goals using the above SMART guidelines you will be so much further ahead (and less frustrated) as the year progresses. Taking ACTION today will help you achieve better results TOMORROW.

Here are some sample SMART Goals that you can tweak to fit your business model and customer profile.

  • Introduce one new lamp theme collection at the beginning of each quarter.
  • Send one email per week that features three products every Tuesday.
  • Interchange two to four displays in your store on the first Monday of every month.
  • Host two events in 2015 - one charity related event in April, and a holiday one in November.
  • Hold monthly product training sessions for sales staff.
  • Offer a $100 sales bonus to the highest sales person in your store. 
If you need any help developing or implementing your SMART Goals, AHS Lighting & Home Decor recommends AGS Marketing for Action, Growth & Success.